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I barely remember what my daily routine was like before having kids. I don’t remember what time of day I studied the Word. I know I did in fact study the Word (I have many journal entries to prove it), so my limited recollection leads me to believe that I didn’t have trouble spending time with God.
Our first child was born in 2013. I had many sleepless nights as I struggled with normal newborn challenges, adjusting to life as a new mom, and breastfeeding/pumping issues. I’m also fairly certain I had postpartum depression but was never officially diagnosed. Needless to say, I barely had time to shower, let alone spend ample time reading the Word.
Our second child came 19 months later. With two kids under two, along with working full-time, life was a whirlwind. I remember often wondering, how do you spend time with God when you’re busy?
RELATED: Finding Rest in the Midst of Motherhood
My kids have always been early birds, so that, coupled with getting ready for work, didn’t leave much time for uninterrupted studying in the mornings (my preferred time of day).
I don’t remember getting into a solid quiet time routine until our first two children were a bit older.
After becoming a stay-at-home mom in 2018, my mornings became a little easier to manage. I was able to set aside a solid 45 minutes to an hour before the kids woke up to read the Bible and pray.
Fast forward to 2020– I was several months pregnant with our third child, and between general tiredness, morning sickness, and a few minor pregnancy complications, I fell out of my morning routine– until that baby was almost one-year-old. *Sigh*
Now, that’s not to say I wasn’t reading the Bible during those times, because I was. I just wasn’t diligently meeting with the Lord each day and really seeking Him with all my heart.
Why do I tell you this? For one, maybe you can relate.
But, mainly my point is there’s an ebb and flow to our spending time with God. It’s not always going to go perfectly, and it won’t always be easy.
And, while there are numerous ways to grow spiritually as a mom, studying God’s Word should be at the top of our list.
So, let’s take a look at why it’s so important.
What is God’s Word?
God’s Word is God-breathed, divinely inspired, alive, and– it’s Jesus. Asking, ‘What is God’s Word?’ seems like a silly question. But, sometimes we get so used to having access to the Word of God that we don’t stop and truly think about what it is. Let’s briefly explore each of these truths.
God’s Word is God-breathed
There isn’t a single piece of Scripture that is there by mistake. God ordained it to be, and it is all divinely breathed out by Him (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Everything we need pertaining to life and godliness is found in the Word, and it’s beneficial for our training and for equipping us.
God’s Word is Divinely Inspired
Even though God chose approximately 40 different men to pen the words of the text, and you can clearly see different writing styles throughout the Bible, the words were not their own. These men were inspired by God to write the words He wanted to communicate for generations to come.
“But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture becomes a matter of someone’s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.”
God’s Word is alive
Our God is a living God; therefore, His Word is alive (Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word doesn’t change. It changed lives in the past, just as it does now– because it’s alive. It doesn’t need to be edited, added to, or subtracted from in order to keep up with the times. And, it powerfully works within us to accomplish what the Lord has for us.
Jesus is the Word
Jesus is literally the Word (John 1:14). He is the epitome of every truth of Scripture, wrapped up in the perfect example of love and the Savior of the world. Studying the Word is studying Jesus.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
“He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God.”
Why is spending time with God Important?
When you make time for God, study His Word, and seek Him with all your heart, you will be blessed. Blessed, not only because you’re learning His Word, but also because you’re spending time with him.
“Blessed are those whose way is blameless,
Who walk in the Law of the Lord.
Blessed are those who comply with His testimonies,
And seek Him with all their heart.
They also do no injustice;
They walk in His ways.
You have ordained Your precepts,
That we are to keep them diligently. ”
spending time with God cultivates your relationship
How well do you know your husband? Your child? A close family close? I’m guessing, pretty well. Why? Because you spend time with them. You have conversations with them. You share your life with them. You can’t expect to have a close relationship with the Lord if you only pop in for a visit a few times a month.
spending time with God is personal
You need to study the Word for yourself. Don’t solely rely on sermons and pastors, no matter how good they are at accurately sharing God’s truths, to teach you everything about the Lord. The Bible is for everyone. It doesn’t have to be read to you or interpreted for you by man.
Like the Bereans, who “received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so,” (Acts 17:11), you too can read the Scriptures for yourself. Don’t worry about whether or not it will make sense to you– the Holy Spirit will help you understand what you need to know at the time.
it takes a decision
It starts with a decision. You have to decide to prioritize time for God. Making time for God won’t happen by accident or by default.
Let’s pause and talk about the fact that you can’t “make” more time. I know we throw that phrase around a lot– that we need to make more time for things– but, the reality is, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. We can’t create more time for ourselves.
The Bible tells us to redeem the time (Ephesians 5:16). The amount of time the Lord has given you is enough for what He has called you to do. And, one of those things you’re called to do is seek Him and learn His ways.
So, the decision needs to be to make good use of your time by purposely and intentionally prioritizing your schedule to spend time with God.
Below, I’m sharing 22 things that I have personally done over the years to ensure that I am making the Lord a priority in my schedule. Read through and find what works for you!
how to spend Time with God (22 tips!)
Making time for God by prioritizing your schedule is easier said than done. I know from experience. Here are a few tips to help you get started:
#1: PRAY and ask the Lord to help you be consistent in your schedule.
#2: PICK A SPECIAL SPOT in your house to study the Word, whether it’s a favorite chair or a quiet room. Eventually, this place will mentally become synonymous with your quiet time.
#3: FIND A TIME OF DAY that works for you. There is something powerful about starting the day off in the presence of the Lord, but if you’re not a morning person, don’t try to become one overnight. After a short time, you’ll dread getting up extra early, and you’ll start compromising on your study time. Whether it’s morning, lunchtime, or before bed, just pick a time and stick to it.
Morning Tips: Plan to get up 30-45 minutes before your children wake up. Grab a cup of coffee or tea, but then settle in and get started right away! Avoid the temptation to check your phone until you’re done. Make sure your special spot isn’t in an area of your house where you’ll be tempted to start cleaning or doing household chores.
Afternoon Tips: If this is your work lunch break, eating and studying at the same time can work! Just stay focused. Politely ask your co-workers to not disturb you (and who knows how they’ll be impacted by seeing you read the Bible daily!). If you’re home, remember to turn off the TV, and worry about cleaning up the lunch mess later!
Evening Tips: Wait until the kiddos are off to bed and the house is a little quieter. Make sure the TV is off, and it’s not so late that you’ll be falling asleep! If this is a time you regularly spend catching up with your spouse, be sure to talk to him before making a change to your “married couple” time. Find something that works for both of you.
#4: PUT YOUR STUDY TIME on your phone calendar or in your daily planner. Set it up as a recurring calendar entry.
#5: SET A RECURRING ALARM on your phone. This isn’t the same thing as putting it on your calendar! Setting an alarm so you can hear your phone ding serves as an audible reminder that it’s GO time.
#6: PLACE YOUR BIBLE and study tools in your special spot the night before (or earlier in the day if you study at night).
#7: GET A SPECIAL NOTEBOOK AND PEN. Ok– you’re probably not an office supply nerd like I am, but I love a fresh notebook and brand-new pens! Sometimes having new writing tools helps get you excited about taking notes. They don’t have to be newly bought— find items you already have at home.
#8: PRAY BEFORE YOU READ. Ask the Lord to help you learn from Him and to minimize your distractions.
#9: GIVE YOUR CHILDREN A VISUAL CUE (if they’re awake) to let them know it’s your study time and to not disturb you. Put a sign on the door, set a timer so they know when you’ll be done, or simply tell them beforehand, “When mom sits in this chair, I’m spending time with God. When I get up, that means I’m ready to play again.”
#10: HAVE A DAILY PLAN. Follow a Bible study plan or purpose to read through an entire book, unless the Holy Spirit lays something different on your heart that day.
#11: CHOOSE WISELY. Devotionals and Christian books are great tools to help you continue to grow spiritually, but I believe these should be picked up AFTER you’ve spent time in God’s Word. The words of men do not compare to the Word of God. These tools are extra.
#12: WRITE SCRIPTURE AS YOU READ, or write a summary at the end of each chapter. This will help you stay focused and motivated to come to the Word each day to continue your notes.
#13: TRY A NEW BIBLE STUDY METHOD: Inductive Bible study, Bible Journaling, the SOAP Method, studying line-by-line, writing Scriptures– and more! Find one that works for you.
#14: SET REALISTIC GOALS. Whether it’s one verse or an entire chapter, the goal is to simply study the Word! Study what you can truly absorb in the time you have.
#15: DON’T GET DISCOURAGED. My study time is interrupted by a waking child more often than not. Know what interruptions may come, and honestly, expect them. Focus hard in the time you have.
Free Bible Study Printables
Are you looking for free Bible Study Printables to help you study the Word? Now that you’ve got plenty of tips to help you get started in setting up a consistent quiet time, print these out and create a new Bible Study binder! Fill out the form below.
#16: DOWNLOAD A BIBLE APP like Blue Letter Bible, Bible Gateway, or YouVersion so you have the Word on the go. These apps have many different study tools, including concordances, commentaries, and daily reading plans.
#17: MAKE USE OF DOWNTIME. Pull up the Bible app while you’re in the checkout line or waiting for something to heat up in the microwave.
#18: FORSAKE WASTEFUL THINGS. Examine your life and find the timewasters. Maybe this is social media or tv time. These things aren’t always wasteful of course, but if you’re choosing to do these before– or instead of– reading the Word, you aren’t redeeming your time well.
#19: READ THE WORD WHILE YOU EAT. You’d be amazed at how spending just 15 minutes a day in the Word can impact you.
#20: LISTEN TO THE WORD while you drive or do household tasks like dishes, cooking, or folding laundry. Many of the Bible apps mentioned above have audible features.
#21: FIND ACCOUNTABILITY. Link arms with another sister and encourage each other. Maybe she texts to see how it’s going, or you chat regularly to share what each of you is learning.
#22: GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. Don't beat yourself up if you miss a day! Build up consistency and it’ll eventually become a habit you can’t live without!
The bottom line, sister, is that we can and we should study the Word daily! It may take a little schedule rearranging, but it’s possible. Pray, find what works for you, get in the groove, and grow in the Lord!
Do you have any additional tips or a favorite Bible study method? Share with me in the comments below!
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