When it’s dark by 5:30 P.M.…ugh. This is my least favorite time of year. I love living in a part of the world that has a full array of all four seasons, but I must admit: once Daylight Savings Time hits late fall, I dread the early darkness. There is something about darkness that is just so…dark.
The evening seems to fast-forward, making it feel later than the clock foretells. The lack of sunshines changes moods. The winter air seems a bit colder. Things are just a little more bleak.
Maybe I don’t like the dark because I’m not much of a night owl (although, getting up super early this time of year means I’m greeted by darkness too!). Or maybe, it’s because the darkness outside reminds me of the darkness within.
The sins that still ensnare. The negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions that creep in when I let them. The darkness of the hearts in the world at large. The reality that, without Christ, things are just…dark.
And sister, if we’re being honest– sometimes even with Christ, we still allow ourselves to step back into darkness.
It’s not His fault; He is the Light of the world, the light of life (John 8:12). But when things are a little less cheerful and sun-shiny, and when we’re feeling the weight of the dark world on our shoulders, we can allow ourselves to forsake the light He so freely gives and wants to radiate from us.
When we accepted His free gift of salvation, He immediately brought us from darkness to light. So, let’s not turn back.
Moving from darkness to light is an important aspect of our walk with the Lord. Let’s chat about 5 truths of the reality of light and darkness in our Christian faith.
#1: we should Separate from Darkness.
The first recorded words of God in the very beginning. His proclamation that light shall be, and it was. Not only did He see that it was good, but the Word says that He separated it from darkness.
“Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.”
God’s light brings us life, which is where He wants us to be– in His light, separated from the darkness. He provides a way for us to do so when we abide in Him (John 15:4-5). When we do this, we bear good fruit and draw from the well of His strength.
We can use His wisdom and our good sense to separate ourselves from darkness in our everyday lives. Being careful not to engage with worldly things that contradict the Word of God, being mindful of what we’re watching and listening to, and being wise about the company we keep are all ways that we can do our part to not purposely engage in darkness.
When we are truly abiding in Him– moment by moment– darkness cannot overcome us because He is the Light.
#2: we must Recognize the Light.
Moving from darkness to light and back to darkness can happen so easily. We let our guard down. We aren’t mindful of our company (1 Corinthians 15:33). We allow negative thoughts into our minds.
“For it is You who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness. ”
All of the above is true, but let’s be real: the main reason the darkness becomes so enticing is that we forget who the Light is. It’s not us. We lose focus of the One who brings the light in the first place; the One who sparks the light within us.
Let’s not try to do this on our own, sister. We don’t have to work extra hard to stay out of the darkness– we just need to remember that it is the Lord who lightens our darkness and to step out of the way and allow Him to do so.
Here’s what I mean: Just the other day I was trying to put something together, and out of nowhere, darkness set in. By “out of nowhere”, I mean my eldest son stepped in between the object and my light source.
In the darkness, it was harder to see and to function. The task became that much more difficult.
And so goes our life, sister.
As He lights our paths, let’s be sure to step out of the way so we don’t block His light. He won’t force us out of the way. He loves us too much to make us His puppets. Sister, He wants you and me to willingly and wholeheartedly recognize Him for who He is and what He can do in our lives, and to follow His guidance. Life is oh so much harder when we get in His way.
#3: WE NEED TO Walk in the Light.
“For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.”
In our newness of life, our life in Christ, we have the power, ability, and desire to walk in His ways. In an instant, He delivered our souls from death. Continually, He is willing and able to keep our feet from falling. As we move from darkness to light, it’s our choice, sister, to walk with Him in this newness of life.
You see, we can be easily distracted by looking to the left or the right and therefore choose to step off His path. Oftentimes, it’s easier to do this than to stay the course. We must ask for wisdom to faithfully choose Him– to seek Him, draw closer to Him, and do His will. Without His wisdom, walking in the light 100% of the time is impossible.
Make time for God, seek Him diligently, and abide in Him, sister. There’s no greater place to be.
Spending time in His Word daily is the best way to ensure that we’re drawing closer to Him and walking in His light. Download your free set of Bible study printables to guide you in your study of the Light of the World. Fill out the form below.
#4: He is Still Present in the Darkness.
But what about when we’re going through hard times? When our life circumstances weigh on us, cause anxiety and stress, and rob us of our joy?
The darkness encompasses us at these moments. It surrounds us, drowns out any flickers of light, and seems heavier than we can bear. Yes, darkness bears weight.
But God.
“When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.”
He is still there! He’s present with us in the darkness we face, and He still provides the light. Sister, we just have to choose to take hold of it. It may take more effort to peer through the black, and the light may seem forever dim to us, but trust that His light does not flicker nor fade.
It is often said that darkness is the absence of light. Yet, the Lord is ever-present and always with us. So even in our dark times, He is not absent. We just have to choose to recognize Him and want to see His light shine. His light always pierces through the darkness.
Light always wins.
#5: God is Bigger Than Any Darkness.
Let’s just tell it like it is sister— darkness has nothing on the Lord! He is bigger than it all. He is God over ALL. Darkness does not frighten Him. It doesn’t drown Him out. It doesn’t make it harder for Him to see, function, or guide us.
“Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.”
He is our ultimate night-vision goggles.
Realize that in Him, we have nothing to fear, even in our darkness. He knows the beginning from the end, and therefore darkness and light, night and day are equally clear. Our job is to trust Him and rely on Him. His hand is out, ready to lead us where He wants us to go.
Will You Go?
Which way will you go, sister? As you move from darkness to light, will you allow the Light of the World to lead you, whether through the dark times or even during your brightest of days? What will it be?
Remember that in God, there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Join me in abiding in Him, sister– in His light, His love, and His ability to sustain us, lead us, and guide us. So even though it’s 5:30 pm in December, grab your sunglasses. Where He is, it’s always gloriously bright.
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